Local Lettings Plan
Brunswick Mill, Britannia Street, Leek
Purpose of the Lettings Plan
Local lettings policies have an important role in widening housing choices for local people and helping to provide sustainable communities. The national and regional housing agendas encourage mixed tenures that cater for a range of households with varying needs and aspirations. Staffordshire Moorlands District Council will work with Registered Providers to develop local lettings policies for new and existing developments where there is a case to do so.
The purpose of the lettings plan is to ensure that the area has a mix of residents that reflects the surrounding and local community.
Residents at Brunswick Mill will have a range of:
• Ages
• Gender
• Household compositions
• Economic status
• Social needs and support
The lettings plan is vital to ensure a balanced and sustainable community and to assist in creating a safe, secure and viable community in the long term.
Brunswick Mill has been converted into flats for social renting. It was purchased by Staffordshire Housing Association in 2009 from Midland Heart.
Properties within the development are:
18 flats for Social Rent
- 16 x 1 bed flats
- 2 x 2 bed flats
Flats are situated over four floors and access to the building is only permitted via a communal entrance. All floors are serviced by a lift.
The flats are designated for single people and couples. Those with dependent children and pets not permitted.
Currently 72% of the occupants are male
Currently 28% of occupants are in employment
Currently 50% of properties have customers with high level support needs
Properties to be included in the Local Lettings Plan
All Staffordshire Housing rented properties at Brunswick Mill, Britannia Street, Leek will be included in the plan.
Homes will be let through Home Options Choice Based Lettings system and from Staffordshire Housing Association housing register.
All Lettings will be subject to the local connection criteria within the joint SMDC and Your Moorlands housing allocation policy ‘Staffordshire Moorlands Home Options Allocation Policy’.
Local Lettings Criteria
In order to promote a balanced community, targets will be set for the distribution of households within the development considering age, family type, economic status and social support needs.
Targets at the point of letting will be as follows:
- 50% of tenants in our Social Rented homes to be economically active - in full or part time employment, or have access to full time training or an apprenticeship.
- 90% of tenants in flats will be single people and 10% will be couples. This is due to the size of the properties which restricts occupancy
- 20% of tenants will be over the age of 30
- An equal balance of male and female tenants
No more that 20% of residents will have high support needs (equivalent 4 units). Those with high support needs will be those assessed to have a history of chaotic behaviour and unable to demonstrate an ability to sustain a tenancy for a minimum period 12 months and may include those with:
- Alcohol dependency
- Drug dependency
- Diagnosed mental health issues
- Health issues which may impact on the ability to successfully maintain a tenancy.
‘High’ support needs will be will be determined following a full assessment of the individual circumstances of the applicant. Supporting information provided by support agencies will be obtained and considered.
Those with a history of anti social (ASB) that would have resulted in the Association obtaining a Possession Order or an injunction will not be permitted at Brunswick Mill unless the perpetrator can supply information that demonstrates a change in behaviour. Incidents occurring within the last 2 years will be taken into consideration.
Those with a criminal conviction within the last 5 years that would have resulted in the Association obtaining a Possession Order or an injunction will not be permitted at Brunswick Mill.
Information about ASB and criminal offences will be gathered from known previous address history or information in the public domain.
Children in flats
Staffordshire Housing Associations will not rehouse those with dependent children living with them on a permanent basis. Lettings will be made to people with no dependent children and lettings will not exceed the permitted number of occupants for each individual dwelling.
We operate a restricted pets policy in our flat type accommodation. We will not rehouse households with pets deemed unsuitable for the development.
The need for a local lettings plan
We have high levels of criminal and anti social behaviour at the scheme. Staffordshire Police have been called to Brunswick Mill on 50 separate occasions beteween 1 October 2016 and 30 September 2017. They fully support our efforts to create a more balanced community at Brunswick Mill.
In the last 12 months we have had seven anti-social behaviour cases. Two resulted in tenants being evicted.
In the last 12 months we have had five vacancies at Brunswick Mill due to the ongoing criminal and anti social behaviour at the scheme.
The criminal and anti social impact has had a detrimental impact on the sustainability of the scheme and a negative impact on residents and the surrounding neighbourhood. Brunswick Mill has a very negative perception in the local community and this impacts on all who live in the building.
Residents and the local community believe that high levels of crime and ASB occur in and around the area of Brunswick Mill which is impacting on its desirability when people in the district are seeking a new home
Local Authority Nominations
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council has 50% nomination rights to all social rented homes at Brunswick Mill. Nominations will be requested and advertised via Home Options Choice based lettings system.
If lettings cannot be made through Local Authority nominations lettings can be made through SHA lettings systems. These will be classed as failed Nominations as per our Nominations agreement.
Measurement and Monitoring
The lettings policy will be monitored at each vacancy and the vacant property will be advertised in accordance with achieving the plan.
Turnover rates will be monitored to ensure the effectiveness of the plan
Rates of ASB will be monitored to ensure the effectiveness of this plan
The lettings plan will operate for 3 years. The plan will be reviewed annually to monitor the impact and effectiveness and feedback will be given to the Local Authority. The lifetime of the plan may be reduced if both parties feel it is no longer necessary.
An Equalities Impact Assessment will be completed alongside this review to provide a comprehensive view of the impact of the Local Lettings Policy.
This Policy was subject ot public consultation from Tuesday 31 October until Friday 10 November.