Local Lettings Plan
Empire Court, Fletcher Street

April 2013


This document sets out the basis by which Metropolitan in co-operation with Amber Valley Borough Council propose to allocate social rented properties at Empire Court, Fletcher Street, Heanor, DE75 7ET.

The key objectives both parties agree to in this document are ensuring housing needs are met whilst creating a successful and sustainable scheme for all residents and businesses.

Scheme Details – Empire Court

Total: 12 apartments for rent.

6 one bedroom, two bed spaces apartments,
6 two bedroom, four bed spaces apartments

Aims and Objectives of Metropolitan Allocations Policy

Metropolitan provides housing to those in need of affordable housing. We aim to:

  • Work closely with Local Authorities to help in meeting local housing needs
  • Let properties as quickly as possible and according to objective and fair criteria
  • Ensure our tenancies and estates are sustainable
  • Be responsive, fair and fully accountable when dealing with people who are applying for housing
  • Give priority to those in greatest housing need
  • Promote mobility within its own stock and with other social landlords (locally, regionally and nationally).

How Metropolitan allocates its rented properties

Metropolitan has nomination agreements in place with local authorities. There are also service level agreements in place where Choice Based Lettings are in operation. This means that a designated percentage of properties are offered for allocation via the local authority waiting list. On larger estates or developments (particularly those with mixed tenure or of high density) we put in place Estate Plans that include Lettings Plans in an attempt to create balanced and sustainable communities.

All vacancies for rented apartments will be advertised through Home Options Choice Based Lettings to allow potential tenants to exercise choice and express their interest in living in an apartment.

Size and Type of Accommodation Offered

The size of property we offer depends on the size and type of household and the availability of accommodation. We attempt to offer accommodation that we feel most closely meets the known needs of the household in accordance with our Allocations Policy.

The minimum standards are shown below:

  • Couple/single parent double bedroom
  • Single adult single room

Rooms will also be allocated to anyone with a confirmed medical need for their own bedroom.

Local Lettings Plan

BME Targets

We wish to ensure the number of lettings to households from BME community reflects the composition of the district of Amber Valley as indicated in 2011 census.

Scrutiny of Applicants

All applicants and nominees are required to complete an Allocations Assessment Form and asked to disclose:

  • Household composition and circumstances including medical or health situation.
  • Housing and employment history for the past 5 years.
  • Details of any legal action taken in respect of rent arrears and/or ASB.
  • Any unspent convictions.

Prior to any offer, all applicants/nominees are assessed. The purpose of this is to verify their current housing circumstances, identify any support needs and provide information about Metropolitan, the accommodation and the tenancy. The key objective of this early intervention is to verify details of their application and ensure new tenants are able to sustain their tenancy.

Generally, we will reject applications (or turn down a nomination) where:

  • The household does not “fit” the property they have been nominated for i.e. property too large/small for their needs.
  • There are support needs that cannot be met and, as a result, we judge the tenancy is likely to fail.
  • There is a proven history of serious ASB/racial or other harassment/ criminal behaviour, and we assess that they continue to pose a risk to others.
  • There is a history of breaching tenancy conditions (such as significant rent arrears) and we judge this behaviour is likely to be repeated.

Every individual case will be given due consideration which will seek to balance his/her degree of housing need with our obligation to others and to manage the scheme successfully. We are confident that rejections will be minimal and fully justified. For information, all such decisions are documented and approved by Metropolitan’s Available Homes Manager, with an appeal mechanism in place.

Use of Assured Shorthold Tenancies (Starter Tenancies)

It is Metropolitan’s practice to use Starter Tenancies on all schemes. The implications of this type of tenancy are fully explained to the applicant during the sign-up.

Metropolitan has used starter tenancies for all properties since April 2010 and our policies and procedures are “tried and tested”. We can, therefore, give assurances that a tenancy is terminated only after every effort has been made to persuade the tenant to abide by the
conditions of their tenancy and where the breach is serious. We do not use the accelerated possession proceedings for tackling non-payment of rent. Starter tenancies automatically convert to an assured tenancy on the first year anniversary unless legal action has been initiated.

Tenant Mix


As at September 2012, 11 of the 12 flats are occupied consisting of; seven single males, three single females and one couple.

Since July 2008, 14 lettings have taken place at Empire Court of which nine were males, four women and one couple. Of the 14 lettings, seven are still living at Empire Court, with the others having an average tenancy length of 10.5 months.

Due to the high proportion of male residents we would like to address the balance and increase the number of females at Empire Court. Lettings will be aiming for a 50:50 ratio of male and female applicants.

In addition we will look to establish an even number of age ranges across the applicants.

Move-On Accommodation

Due to the high turnover of tenants and poor sustainability of tenancy at Empire Court it is proposed the balance of those living at Empire Court will be 20% from any temporary accommodation.

Criminal Offences

Empire Court is presently known for issues related to criminal activity and Anti-social Behaviour. It is frequently visited by the local Police and is a hotspot area.

Therefore we will not offer accommodation to any applicant who has a history of :

  • Drug related offences
  • Violence against staff/neighbours or has been convicted of a violent offence
  • Prolific car crime, burglary or criminal damage
  • Harassment.

However, if an applicant is regularly engaging with services for at least 12 months and can prove that they have changed their behaviour, we will consider those applicants.

All applicants will be informed of our policy and appropriate police or other background checks against these criteria will be carried out prior to any applicant being offered a property.

Substance Misuse

In addition to the issues regarding criminal activity, substance misuse has also been a cause for concern for both Metropolitan and the Police. Therefore, we will not offer accommodation to any applicant who has a history of substance misuse within the last 2 years. However, if an applicant is regularly engaging with services for at least 12 months and can prove that they have changed their behaviour, we will consider
those applicants.

Child Restrictions

Metropolitan will allocate properties as per the Home-Options Allocations Policy.

Review Arrangements

Our normal practice is to review Lettings Plans and nomination arrangements with Local Authorities (and other agencies) and agree any adjustments needed to deal with or prevent housing management problems.

We will formally review this arrangement in two years time and reserve the right to make amends in order to safeguard the sustainability of the scheme.