Bridge Street, Sandiacre

Local Lettings Policy

emh homes and Erewash Borough Council

June 2017

The Site

The development consists of 12 properties – four houses and eight flats, including 2 x 1 bedroomed, 2 person ground floor flats for older or disabled people - with own patio area.

Link to Google Street Map of Bridge Street, Sandiacre.

The Local Lettings Policy Criteria

The following criteria applies for the initial and subsequent lettings on Affordable Rent ground floor flats suitable for older or disabled people.

For the 2 x 1 bedroomed, 2 person ground floor flats for older or disabled people for Affordable Rent

The criteria will be followed for initial lets and subsequent lets.

  • These properties include:
  •  Door to own patio area within communal garden
  • Wet room
  • Space to charge electric scooters and wheelchairs
  • Disabled width car parking space
  • Kitchen with adjustable height sink.

These properties will be allocated to those who have the most need for these facilities and will benefit substantially from these units. Direct lets may be considered for these properties.

Review date

This Local Lettings Policy will be reviewed yearly.

Contact details

Any queries about this Local Lettings Policy can be made to emh homes. For up to date contact details, please see

The Original Local Lettings Policy

A Local Letting Policy was adopted for the Bridge Street, Sandiacre site in May 2017, following a public consultation via the Home-Options website.

The policy also applied criteria to initial lettings only for houses and some flats on this development. These were first let in 2017, since when normal allocations procedures under the Home-Options Policy applies to these properties.

The original policy, which includes the reason for the local lettings policy, background and legal framework can be obtained from emh homes as above.