- A minimum of 50% of all lets, preference will be given to: applicants who can demonstrate they are in employment or training. This will include full or part-time employment or training for the last six months. Only employed applicants that are in housing need (bands A-C) will be awarded this degree of additional preference
- Applicants with pets (i.e dogs and cats) will not be considered but smaller pets such as reptiles for example will be considered on an individual basis by the Allocations Officer
- Applicants must provide two references. Preference will be given to Employer and Landlord references
- Any vulnerable applicant applying for accommodation as needing or requiring support; requires evidence from the relevant agencies, demonstrating successful engagement before any offer of accommodation
- All applicants must sign up to a scheme specific Neighbourhood Agreement in addition to their tenancy agreement
- Applicants convicted of offences relating to anti social behaviour, drugs, alcohol dependence or serious crime may not be considered.
Public Consultation
This policy was subject to public consultation via this website from 14 November to 28 November 2014. Six responses were received, which were broadly in favour of the local lettings policy.
Contact details
Any queries about this Local Lettings Plan can be made to:
High Peak Borough Council
Buxton Town Hall
Market Place
SK17 6EL
Tel: 0345 129 7777 or 01298 28400.